Richard Sobol
On the the road again- In school visits are the best!!
Richard Sobol is constantly circling the globe looking for stories relating to wildlife, international cultures and conservation of the environment. He is the author of several books exploring whales, elephants, mountain gorillas, african wildlife, environmental conservation, the magic of silkworms, how rice is grown, Angkor Wat, the workings of a building construction site, and life in an African community. Recent literary collaborators have included Leonardo DiCaprio, Frank Gehry, the late Governor Ann Richards and Robert F Kennedy Jr. His photographs appear regularly in publications worldwide including Time, The New York Times, Paris Match, Audubon, and National Geographic.
Bring The Traveling Photographer to Your School
Follow “The Traveling Photographer“ on location around the world. Richard Sobol brings dynamic image driven presentations to students in grades K-12. Currently offering author school visit audio-visual programs featuring first-hand encounters with wild animals, wildlife conservation projects, the protection of endangered species as well as explorations within African and Asian Cultures. The programs can be tailored to fit studies in science, natural history, social studies and creative arts.
GROWING PEACE, the newest book from The Traveling Photographer was awarded the Social Justice Literature Award from the International Literacy Association
Peace, Understanding and Global Citizenship- Growing Peace explores an example of interfaith cooperation and religious tolerance in a most unusual location- A small village in rural Africa. The story tells of one Ugandan Farmer that by a remarkable, one in a million chance, was standing at the foot of the World Trade Center Tower as it came crashing down in front of him. Out of this tragedy he brought together Christians, Muslims and Jews to work together and share a message of peace as an example for the rest of the world. The book offers a rare model of good will and understanding and offers classroom teachers a living example to help teach lessons of global citizenship and acceptance of other religions and cultures. Read the rave Kirkus Review here: https://www.kirkusreviews.com/book-reviews/richard-sobol-2/growing-peace/
Also Available Now For Younger readers Elephant Twins
The first book release in The Core Concepts Series from Penguin features a delightful look at the worlds only pair of twin male elephants! Come along to Thailand to meet meet Gold Ray and Gold Light, the one ton, one year old pair of special baby elephants. Richard was the only photographer invited to document the early years of this unique set of twins. Watch them grow and watch them play in this exclusive story of twin brothers.
Order your copy of Elephant Twins now!
More Books by Richard Sobol